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2010.07.28 2010 GMSI Summer Camp (Application)
2010.07.27 Actitvities The 61th GMSI Open Seminar Lecturer: Prof. Andreas Mortensen (Laboratoire of Mechanical Metallurgy, Institute of Materials, EPFL, Station 12, CCH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland) Moderator: Prof. T. Koseki (Department of Materials Engineering))
2010.07.22 The 5th GMSI International Lecture Lecturer: Dr. Masako Yudasaka (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Nanotube Research Center, Group leader of Functional Nanotube Team) Moderator: Prof. S. Maruyama (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
2010.07.15 Schedule for MEMS and SIMULATION practice
2010.07.13 The 17th GCOE Evening Seminar by Prof. E. Yamaguchi (Graduate School of Policy and Management, Doshisha University)
2010.07.13 The 62th GMSI Open Seminar Lecturer: Prof. Lu-Chang Qin (Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Moderator: Prof. E. Abe (Department of Materials Engineering)
2010.07.07 The 60th GMSI Open Seminar Lecturer: Prof. David Brandon (Faculty of Materials Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel) Moderator: Prof. Y. Ikuhara (Institute of Engineering Innovation, School of Engineering) 2010.07.07
2010.07.01 The 59th GMSI Open Seminar Lecturer: Jae Wan Kwon, PhD (Assitant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri) Moderator: Prof. Y. Suzuki (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
2010.06.24 About the secondary advisor system
2010.06.24 The 58th GMSI Open Seminar Lecturer: Kurt A. Beiter, PhD (Acting Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University) Moderator: Prof. Y. Yokono (Department of Mechanical Engineering)