• Activities
  • Evening Seminars
  • The 25th GCOE Evening Seminar / The 4th Competent Leader Lecture by Kotobu Nagai (Manager Director) Moderator: Prof. S. Sakai (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

The 25th GCOE Evening Seminar / The 4th Competent Leader Lecture by Kotobu Nagai (Manager Director) Moderator: Prof. S. Sakai (Department of Mechanical Engineering)


Lecture Room 221, 2F Engineering bldg. #2, Hongo Campus

GCOE 「Mechanical System・Innovation Global Center」
The 25th Evening Seminar
The 4th Competent Leader Lecture

Manager Director, Global Research Center for Energy & Environment Materials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Kotobu Nagai

Schedule:16:30~18:00, Thursday, May. 26th, 2011
Place:Lecture Room 221, 2F Engineering bldg. #2, Hongo Campus

Title:Anticipation of third wave of engineering - Henry Dyer’s desire for growing Japan
Department of Mechanical Engineering・Prof. S. Sakai
E-mail: sakai@fml.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

GCOE Office E-mail: gmsi-office@mechasys.jp, Phone: 03-5841-7437

Attached File: The 25th Evening Seminar.pdf
