About the 2011 Year-End Adjustment


Global COE for Mechanical Systems Innovation Secretariat

The year-end adjustment is a confirmation of your sum total earnings during the calendar year (1 January – 31 December) to ensure there will be no errors in calculation of your income tax, etc.
This applies to anyone who is a research assistant (RA) supported by this GCOE program as of Dec.

Have you moved to a new address in 2010?
Have you recently married, or become a provider for a family member in 2010?

If so, your A form (2010 – Change in Dependent Deduction for Wage Earner), must be updated to reflect the correct information.

Please Obtain the form PDF and print it out.

Attached file: H22年分扶養控除等(異動)申告書_2010_Change in Dependent Deduction for Wage Earner.pdf

If these instructions are unclear, or if you have any questions regarding this paperwork, please contact me, Yuka Enomoto at the GCOE office.

Yuka Enomoto
Global COE for Mechanical Systems Innovation Secretariat
Email: gmsi-office(at)mechasys.jp
Tel. extension: 27437
