Call for Applications: International research collaboration / International internship (Long-term funding)


Global COE for Mechanical Systems Innovation Secretariat

We are now accepting applications for international research collaborations and international internships for the 2010 academic year. For those who wish to apply for this long-term funding, please submit the following documents to the GMSI secretariat at

For research collaborations, be sure to apply after discussing with your faculty advisor and your host abroad. For international internships, first refer to the attached list of internship locations and then indicate your top three choices (changes to the list may be made at any time). If you wish to intern at a location not on the attached list, fill-in the appropriate information and clearly indicate whether or not you have already contacted the facility regarding an internship.

Deadline: Friday, May 14, 2010 at 17:00

It is necessary that your faculty advisor be aware of and support your application, so we will only accept applications sent by faculty advisors.

Attached files:
Long-term travel support contract.pdf
Long-term travel support contract - supplement.pdf
International Internship Destinations.pdf
GMSI Long-term overseas travel application.doc
GMSI Long-term overseas travel application.xls

Please contact Megumi Notoya at the GMSI office if you have any questions.

Megumi Notoya
Global COE for Mechanical Systems Innovation Secretairat
Extension: 27437
