Information regarding Research Assistant applications


The Global COE Program "Mechanical Systems Innovation" (GMSI) is accepting applications for Research Assistant (RA) positions. This program also applies to PhD students receiving a JSPS scholarship, as well as those who are pursing their PhD while receiving salary from a company.

As a RA, you will have many opportunities to take part in GMSI's educational programming, such as the Mechanical Systems Innovation courses, Summer Camp, various seminars and symposia, and support for overseas travel. However, since there is an upper limit on the monthly salary payable to RAs, financial assistance cannot be treated as outsourcing of research, so RAs must be registered with the GMSI office and submit a report detailing your research results at the end of each term.

There are no guidelines established for required enrollment or minimum attendance of seminars, lectures, etc. However, appointed RAs must be in the latter part of their doctoral studies in one of the following departments: Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Applied Chemistry, or Chemical System Engineering.

◆Application deadline: Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 15:00
◆How to apply: Fill out the required sections in the attached file, and submit it by email to Ms. Enomoto (yuka.enomoto(at) in the GMSI office.

attached file: GMSI RA application_List.xls

The objectives of GMSI include the cultivation of internationally competitive young researchers with the literacy, competency, and expertise to lead the transition of new knowledge and technology into industry and academia. Thank you for your understanding and continued support in this endeavor.

Please contact Yuka Enomoto in the GMSI office if you have any questions.

Yuka Enomoto
Extention: 27437
