• Activities
  • Open Seminars
  • The 2nd GMSI Open Seminar Lecturer: Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Mechanical Engineering, Rice University Moderator: Prof. Y. Matsumoto

The 2nd GMSI Open Seminar Lecturer: Tayfun E. Tezduyar, Mechanical Engineering, Rice University Moderator: Prof. Y. Matsumoto


232, Eigineering 2nd Bld, Hongo Campus

Lecturer:Tayfun E. Tezduyar (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rice University)
Moderator:Prof. Y. Matsumoto(Department of Material Engineering)

Schedule:4th Aug 2008 13:30~15:30

Title:Multiphysicsa and Multiscale Modeling in Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics with the Sequentially-Coupled Arterial Fluid-Strucuture Interaction (SCAFSI)
