• Activities
  • Lecture Series
  • Engineering literacy courses ⅠLecture / The 8th Competent Leader Lecture/ Lecturer Dr. Yukio OHSAWA (Department of Systems Innovations, School of Engineering,the Univ. of Tokyo) Sponsored by: Practical training leader project, University of Tokyo, "Innovation leadership training exercises"

Engineering literacy courses ⅠLecture / The 8th Competent Leader Lecture/ Lecturer Dr. Yukio OHSAWA (Department of Systems Innovations, School of Engineering,the Univ. of Tokyo) Sponsored by: Practical training leader project, University of Tokyo, "Innovation leadership training exercises"


Lecture Room 223, 2F Engineering bldg. #2, Hongo Campus

School of Engineering,the Univ. of Tokyo
Department of Systems Innovations

Schedule:①June 30 2011 (Thursday) 14:45~16:25
               ②July 7 2011 (Thursday) 14:45~16:25
               ③July 21 2011 (Thursday) 14:45~16:25
Place:Lecture Room 223, 2F Engineering bldg. #2, Hongo Campus
Courses: Engineering literacy Ⅰ(Course number: 3722 129)

Title:Innovation Games

・6 / 30 (Thu) Introduction of the Innovation Game
・7 / 7 (Thursday) To create a card in Japanese and English to introduce the content of your research
・7 / 21 (Thu) Innovation Games

Attached File: Technology LiteracyⅠ_110623.pdf

PCIL Office E-mail: office@pcil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp, Phone: 03-5841-0696
