Nano/Micro Energy Systems


Engineering Bldg. 2, 2F, Lecture Room 223 (Every Wednesday, 10:15 – 11:55)

Objective:The goals are to explore the world of nano/micro energy conversion systems by understanding physics in nano/micro-scale fluid flows and heat tranfer as well as fabrication technologies. Examples of NEMS/MEMS designs would be studied that are currently employed in a wide range of devices, including nano/micro energy conversion ssystems.

Lecture Topics:
Chap 1. Overview of Nano/Micro Energy Systems
Chap 2. Nano/Microscale Flows
Chap 3. NEMS/MEMS Technolgy
Chap 4. Application of Micro Thermal and Fluids Systems
Chap 5. Nano/Microscale Energy Conversion and PowerMEMS

A project on nano/micro energy conversion will be assigned during the latter half of the course.
