• Activities
  • Lecture Series
  • The 1st GMSI International Lecture 4 Lecturer: Prof. Dimos Poulikakos (ETH) Moderator: Prof. N. Kasagi (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

The 1st GMSI International Lecture 4 Lecturer: Prof. Dimos Poulikakos (ETH) Moderator: Prof. N. Kasagi (Department of Mechanical Engineering)


31A, Eigineering 2nd Bld, Hongo Campus

Lecturer:Dimos Poulikakos(ETH)
Moderator:Prof. N. Kasagi(Department of Mechanical Engineering)

Schedule:26th Nov 2008 16:00~17:00

Place: 31A, Engineering 2nd Bld, Hongo Campus

Title:Surface Driven Energy Conversion 3: Hydrocarbon low temperature reforming in micro and mini channels for Micro SOFCs
