- Activities
- Lecture Series
- 2011 GMSI lecture / schedule list
2011 GMSI lecture / schedule list
Lecture Room 223, 2F, Engineering Bldg.#2, (Hongo Campus)
The file of GMSI Lectuire schedule(Winter term) has been updated.
1、Evening Seminar
2、Extends Nano space seminar (No.3722-125)
3、Engineering literacy courses Ⅱ(No.3722-129)
4、Engineering literacy courses Ⅲ(No.3722-131)
5、Engineering CompetencyⅠ(No.3722-126)
Attached file:
*We will update the content when there is a change.
Please contact Yuka Enomoto in the GMSI office if you have any questions.
Yuka Enomoto
Extention: 27437
E-mail: gmsi-office@mechasys.jp