• Activities
  • Evening Seminars
  • The 8th GCOE Evening Seminar by S. Okuhara (A Representative of Nippon Venture Capital Co.,Ltd.) Moderator: Prof. S. Sakai (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

The 8th GCOE Evening Seminar by S. Okuhara (A Representative of Nippon Venture Capital Co.,Ltd.) Moderator: Prof. S. Sakai (Department of Mechanical Engineering)


Audiotorium, Eigineering 11th Bld, Hongo Campus

Lecturer: S. Okuhara(A Representative of Nippon Venture Capital Co.,Ltd.)
Moderator: Prof. S. Sakai (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

Title: High risk  =/=  High return

Schedule: 24th August 2009 16:30~18:00

Place: 1F Auditorium, Engineering 11th Bld, Hongo Campus
