Toshiba Research Internship Briefing Session


Auditorium, 1st floor, Engineering Bld #11, Hongo campus

「Toshiba Research Internship Briefing Session」is held as following schedule. We hope your active participation.

◆ Schedule : 13:30~16:00 Tuesday, May 11th, 2010
◆ Place : Auditorium, 1st floor, Engineering Bld #11, Hongo campus

This briefing session is one of the events of GMSI domestic internship. (You can get credit and GMSI point)
List of internship themes is attached.
Details on internship will be explained on that day. You can get materials about details.
Toshiba and GMSI have concluded cooperation treaty. This internship is based on the cooperation treaty.

Attached file:
2010 Theme List.pdf
Toshiba Research Internship application_2010.xls
