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  • 【Cancelled】第74回公開セミナー 講演者: Dr. M. Eswaramoorthy (Associate Professor, Chemistry and Physics of Materials unit, JNCASR, Bangalore, India) 担当:化学システム工学専攻 大久保達也 教授


【Cancelled】第74回公開セミナー 講演者: Dr. M. Eswaramoorthy (Associate Professor, Chemistry and Physics of Materials unit, JNCASR, Bangalore, India) 担当:化学システム工学専攻 大久保達也 教授


工学部5号館3F 談話室(341号室)

Dr. M. Eswaramoorthy
     Associate Professor,
     Chemistry and Physics of Materials unit,
     JNCASR, Bangalore, India

題目:Glucose derived carbon nanostructures and their applications

Most of the carbon based nanomaterials are synthesized by pyrolytic decomposition of hydrocarbons and organometallics. Such high temperature routes often end up being highly graphitic but poorly functionalized. However, there are a number of applications where the robust graphitic structure may not be as essential as the functionalized surfaces, in which case the high temperature synthetic routes can comfortably be circumvented. A sweeter alternative was to use 'glucose', a commonly available, non-toxic, inexpensive carbohydrate as the carbon precursor. Glucose under hydrothermal treatment undergoes a polymerization reaction to form amorphous carbon spheres. Carbonization of glucose within an anodic alumina membrane under hydrothrmal conditions yields amorphous carbon nanotubes. The most significant outcome of this method is that the surface of the carbon material is highly functionalized with hydroxyl and carboxylic acid groups. We have attempted to exploit the glucose derived carbon nanostructures for template based materials synthesis, and drug delivery.

日時:2011年3月11日(金) 15:00-16:30

場所:東京大学工学部5号館3F 談話室(341号室)

添付ファイル: 第74回公開セミナー.pdf
