2. Engineering Competency Ⅲ-Summer Camp-

Engineering Competency Ⅲ-Summer Camp-/工学コンピテンシーⅢ-サマー・キャンプ-

工学コンピテンシーⅢ-サマー・キャンプ-(S1S2, 2単位)
Engineering Competency Ⅲ-Summer Camp-(S1S2, 2 credits)

修士課程、博士課程の学生が対象です。This course is for Master's and doctoral course students.



産業界および学術界のイノベーションリーダーとなる基礎素養や専門知識に加え,リテラシー(コミュニケーション,マネージメント能力等)とコンピテンシー(リーダーシップ,強い責任感と使命感等)を涵養する. 社会が求める「高い専門性と幅広い知識と応用力」を身につけることを目的とする.産業界との連携による講義.
The program aims to cultivate internationally competitive young researchers equipped with Literacy and Competency to become future leaders in industry and academia. This education program will foster human resources with multidisciplinary application skills, in addition to the in-depth research in specialized fields. Based on the social requirements, graduate school students require the ability to work in a broader spectrum and apply one’s skills to a multidisciplinary setting.


海外招聘者を交えた英語による3泊4日の合宿を行い,研究及び共通課題の討論形式の授業をする.密度の濃い集中講義・討論会である.受講対象者は英語力等により選別される.夏休み期間中に開催予定. HP(http://gmsi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/)を参照の上、応募書類を提出のこと. 応募書類により参加者を選抜する.
Inviting overseas Ph.D. course students to participate in four-day-three-night discussion camps with our students. A total of 80 students from different disciplines attend, of which visiting students cover about one third. Discussion topics not only cover participating students’ specialized fields, but also cover common ground such as “the Relationship between Engineering and Society”. To apply, please check the detail on the website http://gmsi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/. To apply, please check the detail on the website http://gmsi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/. We will select participants from the applications.


受講希望者は事前にApplication FormをGMSIプログラム事務局(office[at]gmsi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)へ送付ください.
If you wish to take this course, please send the Application Form to the GMSI Program Office (office[at]gmsi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) in advance.


【Summer Camp 2023.7.25-27】Venue: LMJ Tokyo Training Center. 39 Participants from 8 universities of 6 countries & regions and 3 companies.

【Summer Camp 2021.8.10-12】Online. 49 Participants from 9 universities of 7 countries & regions and 1 company.

【Summer Camp 2019.8.2-5】Venue:Shonan Village Center in Kanagawa. 38 Participants from 11 universities of 7 countries & 3 companies.