21世紀COEプログラム   MSI



Group 1
G1-1: フェイルセイフによる信頼性管理
構成メンバー: 機械工学専攻  山神 成正(幹事)
  産業機械工学専攻  花山 良平
  システム量子工学専攻  今井 康之


G1-2: Improvement of Reliability Control Using Computational Simulations
構成メンバー: システム量子工学専攻  青柳 登(幹事)
  システム量子工学専攻  澤田 明彦
  システム量子工学専攻  梶田 信

 Computational sciences are rapidly emerging as a subfield of theoretical chemistry, physics, biology, etc. and they have been recognized as a powerful tool to investigate or predict the various phenomena. This kind of work has many advantages than experimental works have since they are prior to the applications which are not observed by experimental measurement such as a weather forecast, a flow analysis of an ocean current, collisional phenomena among astronomical bodies, chemical reaction pathway in molecular scale, and so on. In the present survey, the simulations for environmental science, particularly nuclear waste disposal problem, are mainly to be discussed.
 The high level waste (HLW) consists of high radioactive nuclei including various actinides is separated and then HLW is kept as a glass matrix under strict control in temporary repository place. In Japan, multi barrier system, which consists of artificial barriers and natural barrier, is proposed for underground system. The artificial barriers made of glass matrix of radioactive nuclei, metal canister that covers glass matrix, metal made overpack and bentonite clay as the first buffer. Then natural rocks are expected functioning as a final barrier of the toxic nuclei and this is called natural barrier system. There are many studies dealing with chemical behavior or transportation of nuclei in the system.
 Computational calculations by ab initio MO (Molecular Orbital) or DFT (Density Functional Theory) gives the desired information such as coordination geometry of stable the complexes, however, real system requires far larger scale and astronomically large number of molecules. In the meantime, other techniques such as MC (Monte Carlo), several simulations related to fluid dynamics and so-called macroscopic model simulation are performed to be applications which are closer to the real systems.
 There is no study which can compensate all scale of physical and chemical phenomena in this system and this might not be a solution to estimate the reliability. We studied what is the desirable picture for simulator in order to reduce the uncertainty of the nuclear waste disposal.
Reference: Toraishi, T., Doctoral dissertation in the university of Tokyo (2004).

G1-3: Discussion of Human Factors to Improve Reliability of Mechanical Systems
構成メンバー: 航空宇宙工学専攻  杉浦 正彦
  機械工学専攻  光石 暁彦
  機械工学専攻  津田 伸一(幹事)


構成メンバー: 航空宇宙工学専攻  中村 友哉(幹事)
  航空宇宙工学専攻  永島 隆
  航空宇宙工学専攻  柏 宗孝


Group 2
G2-1: Suggestions for an innovative medical facilities to the super-aging society(老人科のススメ)
構成メンバー: 機械工学専攻  長谷川 洋介
  機械工学専攻  井口 裕道
  機械工学専攻  杉井 泰介
  機械工学専攻  山田 雄士
  機械工学専攻  福多 将人
  機械工学専攻  塩崎 聖治(幹事)
  環境海洋工学専攻  圖子 博昭
  システム量子工学専攻  横田 敏彦


G2-2: "生体分子モータと静電マイクロモータの比較研究"
"Comparison Study of Protein Motor with Electrostatic Micromotor"
構成メンバー: 地球システム工学専攻  大槻 晶
  航空宇宙工学専攻  酒井 英司
  機械工学専攻  佐藤 義久
  機械工学専攻  椎原 良典
  機械工学専攻  塚本 哲
  機械工学専攻  三輪 潤一
  産業機械工学専攻  森井 洋

G2-3: "愛玩動物のためのμTAS"
"μTAS for Pet"
構成メンバー: 機械工学専攻  栗本 直規
  機械工学専攻  福島 直哉
  機械工学専攻  岩吉 俊介
  機械工学専攻  寺尾 京平
  産業機械工学専攻  糟谷 圭吾
  産業機械工学専攻  Pairat Tangpornprasert
  産業機械工学専攻  張 東植
  環境海洋工学専攻  鈴木 徹也
  環境海洋工学専攻  竹腰 善久
  環境海洋工学専攻  掛川 晃彦

Group 3
構成メンバー: 機械工学専攻  佐野 稔
  産業機械工学専攻  林 隆三
  航空宇宙工学専攻  辻 良史
  環境海洋工学専攻  広瀬 智史(幹事)
  環境海洋工学専攻  二瓶 泰範
  環境海洋工学専攻  小山 寿史

 Various new technologies have developed in Japan until today. The motivations for the developments are demands such as; to meet customer requirements, to satisfy safety concerns, to follow an economic growth, and to compete with shareholders. Especially, a failure such as having an accident is one of the greatest issues. Once such a failure is recognized, the existing technique is forced to be upgraded and expanded, and, thus, the whole system has become huge and complex.
 What makes it difficult to estimate the huge systems? Issues coming from a huge system are not easy to be solved because of the complexity of the system. As the system become huge, it becomes significantly difficult to determine the "best" way to resolve the problem because there are various effects competing each other, whose contribution to the problem is not clear..
 One of the huge and complex systems is a freight and transport system, such as railway and shipping. The transit systems have long history, in which an enormous number of devices and technical developments have been achieved to meet the various requirements.
 As previously noted, a bloated huge system is so complex to be evaluated easily and properly. Therefore, it is hard to compare an existing system with an alternative one when an innovative change is being made.
 For an evaluation method for such a complex system, we would like to introduce a unique method, which enables quantitative evaluation considering on quantitative information such as figures and numbers as well as qualitative information such as human intuitions.
 Next, we will show how to apply the evaluating method. We would like to dare to propose an innovative alternative for a massive transit system, i.e., a passenger transport system by railway. Our proposal is operating cable cars on a flatland. Cable cars are now operated usually in a region, which has difference in elevation such as San Francisco, or mountainous areas. One of the advantages of cable cars is the ground-based drive unit, whereas the major vehicles, such as electric trains, have a drive unit mounted on themselves. In this way, the weight of vehicles could be reduced remarkably, and the energy efficiency can be improved. Taking full advantage of cable cars, we further suggest on operating cable cars in a loop as Yamanote line. We will estimate the various problems, which are expected to occur in their operation and will review the whole elements consisting of the existing human transport systems and the reason why the elements have been chosen at the same time. Through comparing our proposal with the existing system, we would like to evaluate the evaluation method for a huge system itself and the validity of our alternative.


G3-2 : Systematic problem of products safety "Learn from MMC issues"
製品安全性の系統的問題の解明 〜三菱自動車の失敗に学ぶ〜
構成メンバー: 機械工学専攻  原 祥太郎
  機械工学専攻  山田 裕之
  機械工学専攻  須崎 光太郎(幹事)
  地球システム工学専攻  羽柴 公博
  地球システム工学専攻  沢辺 頼子

 The manufactured products which presently are used gathered up-to-date technology, developed in order to achieve the purpose which the human requires. That is something which passes the cycle, development, completion, use of the product, and improvement of trouble, to establish the high-level finished product from early stage, it is possible doing, it is few really. Because of that, maintenance after the using the product is very important. But, in regard to the system of maintenance there is no thing which is excessively observed so far, when developing into big accident and incident such as automobile, airplane and nuclear power generation only, it is rumored largely, location of the responsibility only it is made clear with, almost there are no times when it is utilized to the improvement of the system of maintenance. Then, it picks up the problem of the Mitsubishi automobile which this time has become also social problem, the maintenance system of the automobile, pays attention to the especially recall system. The recall system is the system which is adopted in the automobile, it is the system that the company the country (supervision ministry and board) applies the trouble which is found by the user, or the trouble which company side discovers, being free, does maintenance in the user. Because it becomes the big profit and loss, for the company is we would like to avoid declaration, but if it does from the point, safety you must do naturally, it is the measure. At each time accident occurs in regard to the profit pursuit of the company and the occurrence of accident it can unfold various arguments, but being utilized to the maintenance of modification and the generally known company of the system inside the company as for the actual place the fact that it is little is fact. It is observed by only this point in regard to this incident, it assumes that is a problem in only the Mitsubishi automobile, but whether may finish truly with problem just of the inside of the company, it is the place where doubt remains. That it became the miserable result that the latest problem sends the edge to the company which seeks the profit, from the double problem, ministry and board which neglects supervision reaches to big accident, you can guess. You think that we will make the problematical point which lies hidden in at this incident clear, proposition probably will go in regard to the importance of maintenance of the manufactured products.


G3-3 : Reliability of Network
構成メンバー: 機械工学専攻  熊谷 知久(幹事)
  機械工学専攻  有賀 清一
  機械工学専攻  宮澤 真史
  システム量子工学専攻  鈴木 正昭
  システム量子工学専攻  伊東 聰

 The network organizes many kinds of information, social and biomechanical systems such as the Internet, the traffic system, and the blood-vessel system. Network systems are used to provide high-speed or flexible interconnections, share resources from remote places and realize distributed processing, and the increasing number of social infrastructures and mechanical systems are going to utilize the network in the near future. However, one must consider a lot of risks that may lead to disorder of the entire system before a network system is designed.
 Our project makes a case study of failures occurred in the computer network in the past. The computer network experiences serious failures, and the system is continuously updated in order to improve security and reliability. Several failure incidents regarding the network structure, security and legal responsibility are investigated in the project from the technical or historical point of view. Separate incidents will be categorized by introducing a graph-based modeling method, which illustrates the structure of the failures in a network system. The goal of the project is to extract potential risks lie in the network and propose a guideline of design and operation to construct a reliable network..


G3-4 : Technical Innovations of Hybrid Car Behind the Scenes
構成メンバー: 機械工学専攻  松浦 一雄(幹事)
  機械工学専攻  鈴木 康方
  産業機械工学専攻  川元 康裕
  航空宇宙工学専攻  田中 健作
  地球システム工学専攻  小林 史歩
  地球システム工学専攻  高 秀君
  航空宇宙工学専攻  丸 祐介

 There are various kinds of scientific technology around us. Among them, automobile technology not only satisfies demand for transportation, but also has a great impact on the trend of global environment and engineering technology having a wide range of influence on industry, society and economy. In these circumstances, hybrid car which was invented at the beginning of 20th century is rapidly spreading through the world.
 Nowadays, hybrid car is being discussed as a technology which is expected to play an important role in supporting the sustainable social development. However, it is hardly to say the process of its technical innovation is adequately interpreted by unifying related fields, such as social problems, scientific technology and environmental problems. On the other hand, unified understanding of the process of the technical innovation contributes not only to make clear the background of the innovation but also to think how mechanical engineering develops under the concept of the society with "the sustainable development".
 In the research, we suppose human society, scientific technology and global environment to be bases for investigation into hybrid cars, and discuss how each basis has been dynamically interacting with each other in the process of the technical innovation.
 Finally, we will unify material obtained from the investigation in time-series manner, then discuss and evaluate the results.


G3-5 : Assessment of Present Standards - from Interdisciplinary Perspective -
構成メンバー: 機械工学専攻  杵淵 郁也
  環境海洋工学専攻  山東 篤
  航空宇宙工学専攻  西野 峰之
  航空宇宙工学専攻  柿内 利文
  航空宇宙工学専攻  堤 誠司(幹事)
  地球システム工学専攻  尾西 恭亮

 Development of technology in the history was followed by many successes and failures, and there were especially many cases where the failure helped technological achievements. Engineers today can derive meaningful lessons from discussing case-studies and also from comparing design concepts of different fields. For example, a series of plane crashes of the Comet jet highlighted the importance of the assessment of the fatigue fracture in a plane design and the concept of "fail-safe design," which is now established by FAR (Federal Aviation Regulation), became one of the plane design standards. The concepts of "damage tolerance" and "safe-life", which are related to "fail-safe," were together set down. On the other hand, focusing attention to standards for an earthquake, they are reviewed every after severe earthquakes like a cat-and-mouse game, and radical solutions are not yet set down. For example, in the case of "Tokachioki Earthquake" in 2003, lack of the consideration into the "long-term seismic wave" in the present building standards was pointed out. Recently, "Tonankai Earthquake" is expected to occur in the near future with high probability, and to make matters worse, is predicted to be the same magnitude of "Tokachioki Earthquake". If "Tonankai Earthquake" earthquake happens, high buildings in big cities will suffer serious damages. The difference between a plane design and a building design derives from comprehensive consideration into many aspects i.e. an aspect of economy or that of maintenance, etc. However, can we conclude that the present design concepts are enough? As above when you weigh the accident cases and the design concepts, you can see that useful information in some fields of engineering is also useful in other fields all the more for their differences in histories and professions. So we studied the past accidents and the historical backgrounds of the present standards or regulations in various fields of engineering, for example, planes, buildings, railroads, nuclear power plants, etc. To compare the lessons through these cases and design standards, we can find out the analogy and new ways of assessment. Extrapolating the analogy and the new ways of assessment obtained here, they can be new criteria to assess another present design and they also can be one of the useful tools as well as the sophisticated theory or the refined computer simulation. The final purpose is to assess the present design concept of innovative technologies by the analogy through the case-studies and to show the necessity and availability of this method.

  人類の何世紀もの技術の営みの中には数多くの成功と失敗があり、特に失敗が大きな成功を導いた例が多い。さまざまな工学分野における歴史的なケース・スタディーを行い、そして各分野における設計基準や思想を比較検討すると、今日の技術者は非常に重要な教訓を導き出すことができる。例えば 1953 年に世界初のジェット旅客機コメットで起こった墜落事故は航空機設計における疲労破壊の重要性を浮き彫りにし、今日、米国の FAR(Federal Aviation Regulation) で定める Fail-safe design の考えを設計基準に加えることとなった。その後、 Fail-safe と密接に関連した考え方にある損傷許容設計 (Damage tolerance) 、安全寿命 (Safe-life) が定められた。一方、建築物の耐震基準に着目すると、大地震の度に設計基準が改定されるといういたちごっこが続いており、抜本的解決を施すには至っていない。例えば 2003 年に起こった十勝沖地震では長周期地震動に対する建築基準の甘さが指摘されており、もし同様なマグニチュードと予想されている東南海地震が発生したなら、それは近代都市の巨大構造物に深刻な被害をもたらす可能性がある。航空機と建築物における設計思想の違いは経済的側面、管理 ( メンテナンス ) の側面などを総合的に考慮したときに現れてくるものではあるが、果たして現在の耐震に関する設計思想がよい結論だといえるのだろうか。


  Tel : 03-5841-7437(内線:27437)
  e-mail: office-coe@thtlab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

