2012 GMSI International Workshop on Numerical Simulations of Fluid/Thermal Systems
Date: March 16-20, 2012
1. KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
Research topics:
Convective heat and mass transfer
Fluid mechanics at free surfaces
Thermocapillary convection
Phase change simulations
2. TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands
Research topics:
Heat and mass transport in nanoscale systems
Numerical modeling of molecular adsorption
Transport properties of ionic liquids
Self-assembly of nanocrystals
To be eligible to attend you must have:
- a related research topic
- sufficient English ability
- support from your advisor
To apply, send a half-page outline of your research topic to
Application deadline: Friday, Feb. 3, 2012
*Travel expenses will be covered by GMSI.
**Annual RA travel restrictions do not apply to this workshop.