第58回公開セミナー 講演者: Kurt A. Beiter, PhD (Acting Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Design Group, Stanford University) 担当:機械工学専攻 横野泰之 教授
工学部2号館 3F 231号講義室
Kurt A. Beiter, PhD
Acting Associate Professor,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University
題目:Structured Design Methods: Not your Father's DFM
Design for Manufacturing (DFM) curriculum has undergone many changes over the past decade due to a number of trends. While traditional DFM has focused on design for the "manufacturing floor" and dfX, todays product development needs present both a challenge and an opportunity in terms of product complexity, manufacturing off-shoring, multidisciplinary integration, and ultimately financial feasibility. In this seminar, Dr. Beiter will briefly review the history of DFM as well as the current opportunities in DFM practice and teaching.
日時:2010年6月24日(木) 11:00 ~12:00
場所:東京大学工学部2号館 3F 231号講義室
添付ファイル: 第58回公開セミナー.pdf