  • 活動
  • 公開セミナー
  • 第42回公開セミナー 講演者: Prof. Jun Nogami (Professor and Chair, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto) 担当:マテリアル工学専攻 渡邉聡 教授


第42回公開セミナー 講演者: Prof. Jun Nogami (Professor and Chair, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Toronto) 担当:マテリアル工学専攻 渡邉聡 教授


工学部4号館 1階 205セミナー室

Prof. Jun Nogami
     Professor and Chair,
     Materials Science and Engineering
     University of Toronto

題目:Materials Engineering Research at the University of Toronto

An overview of research in the Materials Science and Engineering at University of Toronto will be presented. Several different researchers will be highlighted in areas where collaboration with the University of Tokyo, in particular the Department of Materials Engineering, might be particularly fruitful. Some of the highlighted topics will be advanced materials for alternative energy, sustainable materials processing, and organic electronics. As time allows, I will present some recent work from my laboratory on thin film growth and nanopatterned deposition on silicon surfaces.

日時:2010年1月14日(木)11:00 ~12:00

場所:東京大学工学部4号館 1階 205セミナー室

