  • 活動
  • 公開セミナー
  • 第41回公開セミナー 講演者: Prof. Javad Mostaghimi (Plasma Engineering Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto) 担当:マテリアル工学専攻 吉田豊信 教授


第41回公開セミナー 講演者: Prof. Javad Mostaghimi (Plasma Engineering Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto) 担当:マテリアル工学専攻 吉田豊信 教授


工学部4号館 1階 205セミナー室

Prof. Javad Mostaghimi
     Plasma Engineering Centre for Advanced Coating
     Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
     University of Toronto

題目:On the Dynamics of Droplet Impact and Solidification Process

Droplet impact is a phenomenon which underlies many natural and industrial processes. For example impact of rain drops on leaves, or spray painting of automobiles. In many applications the impact might be accompanied with simultaneous solidification of the droplets. For example, in plasma spray coatings, molten metal or ceramic droplets impact a substrate and flatten and solidify. This presentation is concerned with a description of the impact and solidification of droplets on flat or rough surfaces. A detailed mathematical model of impact and solidification is described and its results are compared against experiments. A new methodology will be presented for accurately calculating normals and curvature of an interface, in which the interface unit normals are advected along with what ever function represents the interface, and curvatures are calculated directly from these advected normals. The new method yields interface geometry more accurately.

日時:2010年1月14日(木)10:00 ~11:00

場所:東京大学工学部4号館 1階 205セミナー室

