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- 国際・国内シンポジウム
- International symposium on Simulations and Measurements for electrochemistry in Solid oxide fuel cells 2013 ( ISSM-SOFC 2013)
International symposium on Simulations and Measurements for electrochemistry in Solid oxide fuel cells 2013 ( ISSM-SOFC 2013)
Fukutake Hall, Hongo Campus
Menu: Messages,
Hosting & Co-hosting,
Invited speakers, Call for papers, Important dates, Fees, Program,
Organizers, Secretory
Last update: 26 Feb. 2013
Messages from the symposium organizers;
This conference will take place from 11 to 12 March 2013 at University of Tokyo (Fukutake Hall), Tokyo, Japan. The scope of
symposium is theoretical and experimental observations for electrochemical reactions, ionic conduction, surface/interface
chemistry &
physics in Solid oxide fuel cells. We will have a few invited talks from abroad, oral sessions (~15 presentations), and
poster sessions
(~50 posters), and we still have enough room for the oral and poster presentations from the attendance. ISSM-SOFC 2013 will
be a time to
enjoy the researchers in this field.
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033 JAPAN
Hosting & Co-hosting;
Global COE for Mechanical Systems Innovation (GMSI) in Univ. of Tokyo
Phase Interface Science for Highly Efficient Energy Utilization strategic sector in CREST program of Japan Science and
Technology Agency
Collaborative Research Center for Energy Engineering (CEE) in Univ. of Tokyo
Research group of Fuel Cells and Batteries, Division of Energy Engineering, Society of Chemical Engineers in Japan
Research Association for Computer Application to Catalysis, Catalysis Society of Japan
Materials Research Center for Element Strategy (MCES) in Tokyo Institute of Technology
The SOFC Society of Japan
The Surface Science Society of Japan
The Solid State Ionics Society of Japan
Invited speakers (confirmed);
Prof. Subhash C. Singhal,
Battelle Fellow and Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Prof. Jurgen Janek, Justus Liebig University Giessen
Prof. Kunal Karan, Queens University
Prof. Paul Shearing, University University of Calgary
Call for papers;
Please send an e-mail directly to the address of the secretory of ISSM-SOFC 2013
with the
subject of "Registration: ISSM-SOFC 2013".
Required information in the registration:
#1: Name
#2: Affiliation (Example: Department of Mechanical Engineering,
The University of Tokyo)
#3: Title (Example: Professor)
#4: Address (Example: Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656)
#5: Country (Example: Japan)
#6: Phone with country code (Example: +81-3-5841-XXXX)
#7: E-mail address
#8: Which one would you like to have: oral/poster/no-presentation
#9: Will you attend the banquet: Yes/No
Important dates;
Deadline of the registration: unfixed but when all the seats are filled up.
Deadline of Abstract submission (one page of A4 size, template): 2013/02/15
Symposium: 2013/03/11-03/12
Attendance without Banquet: 0 JPY
Attendance with Banquet: 2,000 JPY
Time table (version 130305)
Invited talks: 40 minutes for talk + 5 minutes for discussion
Contributed talks (A): 25 minutes for talk + 5 minutes for discussion
Contributed talks (B): 15 minutes for talk + 5 minutes for discussion
A poster of 86 cm wide and 200 cm high will be available.
The poster session is scheduled on Monday afternoon.
The posters must be be put up during the lunch break on the same day,
and the posters should be removed after the session.
ISSM-SOFC 2013 organizers;
Prof. Michihisa KOYAMA, Kyushu University
Prof. Naoki SHIKAZONO, University of Tokyo
Prof. Tatsuya KAWADA, Tohoku University
Prof. Koji AMEZAWA, Tohoku University
Assoc. Prof. Tomofumi TADA, Univ. of Tokyo (present address: Tokyo Institute of Technology)
ISSM-SOFC 2013 secretory;
Dr. Tomofumi TADA, Univ. of Tokyo
E-mail: tada[at]cello.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
(Please change [at] to @ to send the e-mail.)