
As of October 6, 2015

Time table

October 24, 2015(Sat)
October 25, 2015(Sun)


Opening Session
October 24, 2015 (Sat) 10:30~12:00(Hall)
・Opening Address
・JSPS’s President Lecture
・Keynote Lecture
Takashi Kawamura(Chairman Emeritus, Hitachi, Ltd. )
Title:Developing World-Class Talent for Tomorrow

Panel Discussion
October 25, 2015 (Sun)  15:30~17:00(Hall)
The panel discussion will focus on graduate school enhancement and reform amid on-going and transformational changes in commerce and society. As such, the focus will consider future academic demands and address the heightened expectations for innovation, so that graduates will be empowered to contribute to future development, and enhance the nation’s sustainable growth in a global context. The session will be interactive with ideas being exchanged with the floor as to how the Program can best be leveraged to develop globally competitive Ph.D. talent, and within a new and dynamic educational system.

Panelist:Mutsuhiro Arinobu(Executive Director, RIKEN)
Panelist:Makoto Gonokami(President, The University of Tokyo)
Panelist:Masayoshi Tomizuka(Professor, University of California , Berkeley)
Panelist:Yoshihiko Nagasato(Standing Advisor, Asahi Research Center Co., Ltd.)
Panelist:Yuko Harayama(Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office, Japan)

Moderator:Kan Hiroshi Suzuki(Professor, The University of Tokyo: Professor, Keio University: MEXT Special Advisor)

Student Forum
This session focuses on the “Outcomes of the Program”; that is to say what kind of material competencies have the students achieved in the educational program. Since the Program is evolving, these results will fuel a new and even more effective educational program that the students will participate in with high motivation to learn the competencies needed for Ph.D.’s. While the Student Forum primarily aims to share information and encourage networking among students, it will naturally facilitate broader societal understanding through Public Relations for the Program.

October 24th (Saturday) 13:00~16:45 Conference Center(5F)
Student reports and selection of next day working members

The participants are divided into the five rooms related to the five respective themes. The young faculty and adjunct members are also evenly distributed into the five rooms.

(1) Leadership education(in Japanese)
(2) Interdisciplinary education (in English)
(3) Globalization/internationalization (in English)
(4) Partnership with public and private sectors (in Japanese)
(5) Project works addressing social problems (in Japanese)

October 25th (Sunday)  13:15~15:30 Event Hall(1F)
Presentations in the Hall
For each theme, 2-5 selected students will report on the summary of discussions.

Program Workshop
The purpose of the workshop is to improve the quality of the program by sharing best practices and discussing the challenges faced by individual programs. We expect that the deliberations in this session that will involve sharing with other departments and Universities will serve to promote and accelerate the reform of graduate-level education. In this workshop, the representatives of each program type first present an overview of their activities, which is followed by the discussion of the nature of education required to develop student talents. Next, program activities associated with a variety of topics concerning education and cooperation with society are presented. The workshop will also feature the discussion of the broader implications of these issues for graduate school reform.

October 24, 2015 (Sat)  13:15~15:30 (Hall)
The representatives of each program type first present an overview of their activities, which is followed by the discussion of the nature of education required to develop student talents.

〇All around category:
Challenges Facing the New Transdisciplinary PhD Programs of the Seven All-Round-Type Universities.
Cross-Boundary Innovation Program (Osaka University) Kikuo Fujita

〇Composite category (Environment):
Fostering the ability as a global leader in the environmental field.
Academy for Co-creative Education of Environment and Energy Science (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Mutsuko Hatano

〇Composite category (Life science & health):
The PhD program for multidisciplinary field (life and health science) in the Leading Graduate Schools
Ph.D.Program in Human Biology (University of Tsukuba) Akira Shibuya

〇Composite category (Materials):
Aim and achievement of MERIT program.
Materials Education Program for the Future Leaders in Research, Industry, and Technology (MERIT) (The University of Tokyo) Masashi Kawasaki

〇Composite category (Information):
Progress and Best Practice of the Programs in Composite Category (Information).
Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders (GCL) (The University of Tokyo) Yasuo Kuniyoshi

・14:20~14:35 Break

〇Composite category (Pluralistic society):
Multicultural Kyosei Society
Doctoral Program for Multicultural Innovation (Osaka University) Noriyuki Wakisaka

〇Composite category (Cross-cutting themes):
Approaches and Issues for Each Composite Category (Cross-Cutting Themes) Program
The Advanced Leading Graduate Course for Photon Science (ALPS) (The University of Tokyo) Hiroaki Aihara

〇Composite category (Safety & security):
Composite category (Safety & Security)
Inter-Graduate School Program for Sustainable Development and Survival Societies (Kyoto University) Kaoru Takara

〇"Only-one" category:
Interdisciplinary study of various sciences based on mathematics and contributions to problems in society.
Leading Graduate Course for Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences and Physics (FMSP) (The University of Tokyo) Toshitake Kohno

October 25, 2015 (Sun)  10:00~12:00 (Conference Center)
Program activities associated with a variety of topics concerning education and cooperation with society are presented.

■Education 1-1 (Room E)

・On-campus and On-site education
TAOYAKA PROGRAM for creating a flexible,enduring,peaceful society (Hiroshima University)

・Collaboration in a new education by various academic and research institutes in Japan and abroad
Special Doctoral Program for Green Energy Conversion Science and Technology (University of Yamanashi)

・3 years into our program-what works and what needs work.
Program for Nurturing Global Leaders in Tropical and Emerging Communicable Diseases (Nagasaki University)

・Leadership training through project activities planned by students
Inter-Graduate School Doctoral Degree Program on Science for Global Safety (Tohoku University)

・Group Research Proposal (GRP) and Education Through Industry Collaborations Development of Global Research Leaders in Molecular Systems for Devices and Establishment of an International Education and Research Center (Kyushu University)

・Transferable Skills Training: Learning from UK’s experience
PhD Professional : Gateway to Success in Frontier Asia (Nagoya University)

・Ability to resolve problems, communication skills and ability to shape career require to global leaders.
Education Academy of Computational Life Sciences (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

・Data Tools Hands-on - a special course for teaching target applications and basic use of data processing tools - Graduate Program for Real-World Data Circulation Leaders (Nagoya University)

■Education 1-2 (Room F)

・Development of Comprehensive Coursework for Innovation Capability
Cross-Boundary Innovation Program(Osaka University)

・Fostering Global Leaders Based on Mathematical Science and Active Learning
Ambitious Leader's Program Fostering Future Leaders to Open New Frontiers in Materials Science (Hokkaido University)

・The creation and the challenge in disaster nursing simulation education among geographically separated five universities
Disaster Nursing Global Leader Degree Program (University of Kochi, University of Hyogo, Chiba University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University,The Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing)

・Embodiment informatics: the educational curriculum for evoking innovations
Graduate Program for Embodiment Informatics (Waseda University)

・Cross-Disciplinary Education that Fosters Creativity
Phoenix Leader Education Program (Hiroshima Initiative) for Renaissance from Radiation Disaster (Hiroshima University)

・Interdisciplinary and Integrated Five-Year Ph.D. Education in New Department
Leading Graduate Program in Science and Engineering (Waseda University)

・Curriculum for the leader of leaders in the world
GRIPS Global Governance Program ーAdvanced Program for Global Leaders in the Changing Worldー (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)

■Education 2 (Room H)

・Student support system of Kanazawa University Cultural Resource Manager Program
Graduate Program in Cultural Resource Management (Kanazawa University)

・Providing Customized Education
Integrated Human Sciences Program for Cultural Diversity (IHS) (The University of Tokyo)

・Effort for cultivating global leaders
Program for Cultivating Global Leaders in Heavy Ion Therapeutics and Engineering (Gunma University)

・Support for Global Leader Education
Global Human Resorce Development Program for Nuclear Sefety and Security (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

・Global educational support system with special considerations for foreign students
Next generation picobiology pioneered by photon sciences (University of Hyogo)

・Program independence and student supports
New Frontier Leader Program for Rare-metals and Resources(Akita univeristy)

・Beyond Expertise: Supporting Future Therapeutic Leaders
Nurture of Creative Research Leaders in Immune System Regulation and Innovative Therapeutics(Chiba University)

・Unique features of the HIGO Program’s student support
HIGO (Health life science: Interdisciplinary and Glocal Oriented) Program(Kumamoto University)

■Education 3-1 (Room C)

・Foundation of Integration of Arts and Sciences with Double Major Education
Science for Development of Super Mature Society(Keio University)

・Fostering the ability as a global leader through interdisciplinary, industry-government-university and international cooperative co-creative education
Academy for Co-creative Education of Environment and Energy Science (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

・Visualization of graduate school education and career path support
Integrative Graduate Education and Rasearch Program in Green Natural Sciences (Nagoya University)

・Double Mentorship & Achievement Evaluation
Materials Education Program for the Future Leaders in Research, Industry, and Technology (MERIT) (The University of Tokyo)

・ALPS’ Vision for Doctorate Personnel and the Activities of its Graduates
The Advanced Leading Graduate Course for Photon Science (ALPS)(The University of Tokyo)

・What IPBS nurtures: image and achievement
Interdisciplinary Program for Biomedical Sciences(Osaka University)

・Educational Program for the Experts of Legal and/or Political Institution Design
The Program for Cross-Border Legal Institution Design(Nagoya University)

・Summary and Achievement of Project Based Team Study in Leading Program of Ochanomizu University
Fostering long-term creativity and innovation with science and technology disciplines based on Ochanomizu spirit ’Migakazuba’ in the next generation of global leaders. (Ochanomizu University)

■Education 3-2 (Room D)

・To nurture global leaders that can interconnect their academic fi eld and handson experience, using fieldwork as its foundation
The Leading Graduate Program in Primatology and Wildlife Science(Kyoto University)

・Fundamental concept of Green Asia Program helping a new plane of multidisciplinary merging science & engineering and social science & humanities
Advanced Graduate Program in Global Strategy for Green Asia(Kyushu University)

・Targets of Global Leader Program for Fiber Renaissance
Global Leader Program for Fiber Renaissance(Shinshu University)

・Growth & Learning identification powered by Instructional Design “GLidD” Ph.D.Program in Human Biology(University of Tsukuba)

・GPLLI’s approach and the results
Graduate Program for Leaders in Life Innovation (GPLLI)(The University of Tokyo)

・A Skill Achievement Assessment System in Osaka University Humanware Innovation Program
Humanware Innovation Program(Osaka University)

・GSSfolio: an ePortfolio for self-examination and evaluation of course achievement Inter-Graduate School Program for Sustainable Development and Survival Societies (Kyoto University)

・The Image of Leaders that AGL Aims at and Social Demands
Academy for Global Leadership (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

■Cooperation with Society 1-1 (Room A)

・Initiatives in interdisciplinary collaborations: fostering leaders with a mathematical approach
Leading Graduate Course for Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences and Physics (FMSP) (The University of Tokyo)

・Practicing activity for the leader upbringing towards global society
Creation of the Practical Science Leading Graduate School for Green and Clean Food Production(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

・Envisioning the Future through Design
Collaborative Graduate Program in Design(Kyoto University)

・Approach to cultivation of women leaders at Nagoya University
Women Leaders Program to Promote Well-being in Asia(Nagoya University)

・Medico-Engineering Cooperation for Medical Revolution
Training Program of Leaders for Integrated Medical System for Fruitful Healthy-Longevity Society(Kyoto University)

・Education of future global leaders who will play an active role in developing the measures against non-communicable disease (NCDs) in the Asian Pacific region
Reducing the Burden of Non-communicable Disease (NCD) in the Asian Pacific Region (Shiga University of Medical Science)

■Cooperation with Society 1-2 (Room B)

・Community design and international collaboration toward a sustainable society
Graduate education and research training program in decision science for a sustainable society(Kyushu University)

・Practical work to solve the challenging tasks of “Mirai Kyosei”
Doctoral Program for Multicultural Innovation(Osaka University)

・Fostering capable persons who will design and realize an age-friendly society
Graduate Program in Gerontology: Global Leadership initiative for an Age-Friendly Society (GLAFS) (The University of Tokyo)

・Educate and train "professionals of knowledge and practice" to lead the world with an interdisciplinary approach
Global Leader Program for Social Design and Management (GSDM)(The University of Tokyo)

・Human resource development through collaboration between society and university towards sustainable world
Graduate Program in Sustainability Science - Global Leadership Initiative (GPSS-GLI) (The University of Tokyo)

・PhD. Program in Empowerment Informatics Interacts with Society through Exhibition Ph.D.Program in Empowerment Informatics(University of Tsukuba)

■Cooperation with Society 2 (Room G)

・Seamless shift of student’s career through long term internship via cooperative work with company
Interdepartmental Doctoral Degree Program for Multi-dimensional Materials Science Leaders(Tohoku University)

・Education program for innovative material scientists motivated to become industrial leaders
Graduate Course for System-inspired Leaders in Material Science Osaka Prefecture University (Osaka City University)

・Goals and Challenges of GCL Long-term Internship
Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders (GCL)(The University of Tokyo)

・Is still getting Ph. D. the goal of R&D career path?
Innovative program for training brain-science-information-architects by analysis of massive quantities of highly technical information about the brain(Toyohashi University of Technology)

・Career Support for students by Doshisha University’s Global Resource Management (GRM) Program: Focusing on internship
Advanced Doctoral Program in Global Resource Management(Doshisha University)

・Producing tomorrow’s leading engineers utilizing unique international base for organic material systems
Innovative Flex Course for Frontier Organic Material Systems (iFront)(Yamagata University)

・All students heading for Corporate Internships
Leadership Development Program for Space Exploration and Research (Nagoya University)

・Internships abroad for fostering global human resources –cooperation with international organizations−
Fostering Global Leaders in Veterinary Science for Contributing to One Health (Hokkaido University)

・Overseas Knight-Errantry and Overseas Internship
Graduate School of Advanced Leadership Studies, Kyoto University (Kyoto University)

・3 pillars of GESL: (1) International Academia-Industry-NPO Collaborative Advisory Group, (2) International Training System and (3) Remote Collaboration System
Global Environmental System Leaders Program (Keio University)

・Meaning of internships – it develops student perspectives
Interactive Materials Science Cadet Program(Osaka University)

Staff Seminar
October 25, 2015 (Sun)  10:00~12:00(Conference Center)
The staff seminar is designed to provide Program staff with knowledge about government policy, academic affairs and project management, to ensure the consistent and coherent delivery of the Program. Topics include policies for the promotion of graduate education and industry-academia-government collaboration, globalization of education and research, supporting program for studies overseas, career status of Ph.D. holders, and university research administrators (URA). Quality improvements in program delivery, will naturally strengthen the foundation to expand this initiative to other departments and universities currently outside of the Program.

■Government Policy (Room K)
・Graduate Education Reforms Leading the Future
Kumiko Kikuchi (Office for University Reform, University Promotion Division, Higher Education Bureau,Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
・Creating a better understanding between the University and the Industry for raising the level of education
Iwao Miyamoto (Industry-University Collaboration Office, Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry)
■Academic Affairs (Room M)
・TOBITATE Young Ambassador Program-Background, Goals and Progress
Daisuke Machida (Global Human Resource Development Headquarters, Japan Student Services Organization)
・International cooperation for graduate education and research: Field research and exercise in Africa
Masafumi Nagao (Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability United Nations University)
■Project Management (Room I)
・Current Status and Problems on fostering Human Resources of Science and Technology (HRST)
Takaaki Matsuzawa (1st Policy-Oriented Research Group, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP),Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT))
・The Role of Temporal Staffs for Constructive Management of Projects
Masao Ikeda(Support Office for Large Scale Education and Research Projects, Osaka University)

Poster Session
October 24, 2015 (Sat)  10:30~19:30 / discussion time: 15:30-17:00 (1F Event Hall Lobby)
October 25, 2015 (Sun)  9:15~15:00 (1F Event Hall Lobby)
All 62 Leading Graduate Schools will introduce their specific programs during this poster session. The presentations will provide their objectives and outline of the contents of their course, highlighting unique activities, give an update of their current implementation status, and the progress of the students. Unexpected problems and their solutions during the programs implementation will also be covered. The purpose of this session is to improve the quality of the Leading Graduate Schools Program by sharing the best practices and challenges faced by individual programs.