2. Research Internship

Research Internship/研究インターンシップ


Cooperative Education through Research Internships

 More than two months Paid internship for the PhD students.

 ●募集テーマ/Internship Theme

  1/10更新/As of January 10 [学内限定/Internal Access Only]

  応募締切:テーマ毎/Application Deadline:Depends on the theme

 募集テーマは UTOL(UTokyo-LMS) (講義名:工学コンピテンシーⅡ (3799-147))にも掲示しています.  You can also check the internship themes on UTOL(UTokyo-LMS) (Course title: Engineering Competency II(3799-147)).

 98大学59社が参画(2024年4月現在)ジョブ型研究インターンシップ推進協議会 https://coopj-intern.com
 98 universities and 59 companies are participating in this program (As of April, 2024) ジョブ型研究インターンシップ推進協議会 https://coopj-intern.com

Collaborative Education for Next-Generation INnovators & Exploration of knowledge intersections (C-engine)

 Middle /Long term internship for Master and Doctroal course students.

 ●募集テーマ/Internship Theme

  11/18更新 69テーマ募集中/As of November 18, 69 Internship Themes [学内限定/Internal Access Only]

  応募締切:テーマ毎/Application Deadline:Depends on the theme

 募集テーマは UTOL(UTokyo-LMS) (講義名:工学コンピテンシーⅡ (3799-147))にも掲示しています.
 You can also check the internship themes on UTOL(UTokyo-LMS) (Course title: Engineering Competency II

 18大学31社が参画(2023年1月現在)産学協働イノベーション人材育成協議会 https://www.c-engine.org
 18 universities and 31 companies are participating in this program (As of January, 2023)
 C-engine https://www.c-engine.org Please refer to the above internship theme directly without registering in the IDM system.

Toshiba Research Internship

 ●募集要項とテーマ/Internship Theme and Application Guidelines

 募集要項/Application Guidelines(Japanese) [学内限定/Internal Access only]

 募集テーマ/Recruitment theme (Japanese)   [学内限定/Internal Access only]

 Themes acceptable for those who have difficulty communicating in Japanese [Internal Access only]

 ※事務局応募締切:2024年6月13日(木)/Application Deadline (office):Thursday, June 13 2024 →応募受付は終了しました。The application was closed.

 募集テーマは UTOL(UTokyo-LMS) (講義名:工学コンピテンシーⅡ (3799-147))にも掲示しています.You can also check the internship themes on UTOL(UTokyo-LMS) (Course title: Engineering Competency II(3799-147)).

Apollo Tyres (India)

 ●募集要項/Application Guidelines

 Apollo Tiresはインド発のタイヤメーカで、世界100カ国以上で製品・サービスを提供している企業です.Apollo Tires is an Indian tire manufacturer that provides products and services in over 100 countries around the world.

  募集要項/Application Guidelines
  会社案内/Company Profile

 募集要項は参考情報です。応募を希望する場合は、GMSI事務局にご連絡ください。Application requirements is for reference only. If you wish to apply, please contact GMSI Office.

武田薬品工業株式会社 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

 ●募集要項とテーマ/Internship Theme and Application Guidelines

  会社概要Corporate Overview  募集要項Application Guidelines→応募受付は終了しました。The application was closed.

申込先/Application to:GMSI Program Office (office(at)gmsi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

このページに掲載されているテーマについては、個別に企業とのマッチングを行い、具体的な実施時期,期間,課題を決定します.指導教員の了解を得た上でご連絡ください.*単位認定要件を満たすと、「工学コンピテンシーⅡ 研究インターンシップ (3799-147,2単位)」,「研究インターンシップ1(3799-165,1単位)」にて単位認定が可能です. 研究インターンシップ終了後に成果発表をお願いする事があります.
・工学コンピテンシーⅡ 研究インターンシップ (3799-147,2単位)・・修士は2ヶ月以上、博士は3ヵ月以上の実習期間を基本とする.実習後、レポートを提出すること.インターンシップでの活動状況、レポートにより成績評価をする.

For the themes posted on this page, we will match with companies individually to determine the specific implementation timing, period, and theme. Please contact us after obtaining the consent of your supervisor. If you meet *the requirements for credit approval, credit can be accredited for “Engineering Competency II Research Practice (3799-147, 2 credits)” or “Research Practice 1 (3799-165, 1 credit)”. After completing the research internship, we may ask you to present the results of the internship.
※Requirements for credit approval
・Engineering Competency II Research Internship (3799-147)・・It is based on the internship period is 2 months or more for the master's degree and 3 months or more for the doctoral degree. Submit a report after the internship. Your grades will be evaluated according to the internship activities and reports.
・Research Internship 1 (3799-165, 1 credit)・・It is based on the internship period is one month for both master's degree and doctoral course students. Submit a report after the internship. Your grades will be evaluated according to the internship activities and reports.
In addition to the themes listed on this page, internships conducted at overseas universities, domestic and overseas research institutes, and companies may also be recognized as credits if the requirements are met. If you wish to receive credits, please be sure to consult with the GMSI office before conducting the internship.