Hideaki Miyata, Professor
Department of Environmental and Ocean Engineering
Ships are designed with the postulation that they may encounter waves of 30m amplitude in their whole life of about 20 years. On the other hand, it is very usual for them to encounter waves higher than 10m in one to several years, and it is often the case that they receive structural damage at some portion of the ships hull. In these heavily rough sea conditions a variety of nonlinear phenomena take place, such as ship slamming, generation of wave impact pressure, heavy wave breaking, and so on. Because it has been so far difficult to realize and understand the structure and mechanism of these extremely nonlinear phenomena, the design of the hull structure from the strength stand-point of view is based on experience and simplified models.
The present simulator makes use of the finite-volume method and the density function, and going to succeed in the realization of the strongly nonlinear phenomena. Since the accuracy in the pressure prediction is on the satisfactory level, this simulator is used in the practical design process at ship design offices. |