  • 活動
  • 公開セミナー
  • 第28回GMSI公開セミナー 講師:Prof. Yoky Matsuoka (Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington) 担当:精密機械工学専攻  淺間一 教授


第28回GMSI公開セミナー 講師:Prof. Yoky Matsuoka (Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington) 担当:精密機械工学専攻  淺間一 教授



Professor Yoky Matsuoka

   Associate Professor
   Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington

題目:Neurobotics for Human Dexterity


Neurobotics is a field that lies at the intersection of Robotics and Neuroscience.
In the Neurobotics Laboratory at the University of Washington, robotic models and environments are used to understand the biomechanics and neuromuscular control of human limbs. In parallel, robotic systems are developed to augment, replace and rehabilitate damaged sensorimotor functions. In this talk, an overview of this work is presented along with special focus on hand dexterity.

日時::2009年8月5日(水) 13:00 ~14:00

場所:東京大学工学部2号館2F 222講義室

添付ファイル: 第28回公開セミナー.pdf
