  • 活動
  • 公開セミナー
  • 第92回GMSI公開セミナー 講演者: Prof. Gwo-Bin Vincent Lee(Professor, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan) 担当:機械工学専攻 鈴木雄二 教授


第92回GMSI公開セミナー 講演者: Prof. Gwo-Bin Vincent Lee(Professor, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan) 担当:機械工学専攻 鈴木雄二 教授


工学部2号館3F 31A会議室

Prof. Gwo-Bin Vincent Lee
         Department of Power Mechanical Engineering,
         National Tsinghua University, Taiwan

題目:Enabling microfluidic platforms for screening of biomarkers and fast diagnosis of infectious and diagnosis diseases

Microfluidic technology has been an enabling technology in the recent year for a variety of biomedical applications. In this talk, I will briefly introduce two on-going research works in my group. The first one is the screening of biomarkers (aptamers) using microfluidic technologies in an automatic format.
A magneticbead-based, automatic microfluidic system was used to select DNA-based aptamers, which can be crucial biomarkers for various applications, including diagnosis and target therapy. In the second part of my talk, I will talk about how to use integrated microfluidic systems for fast diagnosis of several diseases, including infectious disease and genetic diseases.

日時:2012年3月9日(金) 15:30-16:30
場所:東京大学工学部2号館3F 31A会議室

