The Registration for the GMSI lecture “Literacy3” and “Exercise Course of Extended Nanospace


Global COE for Mechanical Systems Innovation Secretariat

The following GMSI lectures are required for registration to GMSI office.
Please submit the excel file.

GMSI Lecture Registration-LiteracyⅢ.xls
GMSI Lecture Registration-Exercise Course of Extended Nanospace.xls

■Deadline: 1st May, Tuesday
■Where to submit: GMSI office, Ms. Enomoto(gmsi-office(at)

“Literacy3” class size is limited so please understand it if you can’t take this course.

You can check the details of the lectures here: Lecture outline (PDF)

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Global COE for Mechanical Systems Innovation Secretariat
E-mail: gmsi-office(at)
