JSPS-DST Asian Academic Seminar

Advanced Materials, Processes and Systems for Sustainable Development

***This seminar was cancelled.***

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: JSPS and Department of Science and Technology, India: DST co-host Asian Academic Seminar 2015: Advanced Materials Processes and Systems for Sustainable Development. The purpose of this seminar is providing lectures of the latest academic researches to young researchers. The topics of the lectures were selected from the various academic fields of Advanced Materials, Processes and Systems. Through these lectures and discussions, the young researchers are expected to acquire intensive skills and multiple friendships in Asian countries.

・Period:December 2 - 8, 2015
・Venue:The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus) , and Embassy of India, Tokyo, Japan



Program at a Glance


Access and Map

Access Map

Hongo Campus Map

Embassy of India Map

Call for Application

Call for Application:“JSPS-DST Asian Academic Seminar 2015: Advanced Materials Processes and Systems for Sustainable Development”

・Admission Criteria: Doctor course students and young researchers (Post Doc or Assistant Professor, etc) in related research fields
・Number to be admitted: about 20 students from Japan side
・Fee: Free (JSPS will support domestic travel and living expenses for all the participants. DST will support the international travel for   participants from India. )
・Application Deadline: Friday November 6, 2015
・Application Procedure: Please send the application form to GMSI Program Office(office(at)gmsi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp). The application with   approval of the supervisor is required.

Please feel free to attend the lecture from December 3rd to 6th. If you want to attend the lecture, please contact to GMSI Program Office(office(at) gmsi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) in advance.

Call for Participation

Application Form

Poster Guideline



Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

The University of Tokyo

Yokohama National University


Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (DST)

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)